Female Quran Teacher

Female Quran Teacher

The Quran is the central religious text of Islam and guides its adherents. For centuries, only men have been able to teach from this sacred scripture… until now. The emergence of female Quran teachers has opened up a new era in which women can be leaders of Islamic studies and tradition. This article will explore … Read more

Teaching Quran Reading

Teaching Quran Reading

Learning to read the Quran is an enriching experience. It can provide a sense of peace and joy that nothing else can offer. However, it can also be intimidating and overwhelming for those new to this practice. Thankfully, there are many resources available to help people get started. With proper guidance, anyone can learn how … Read more

Quran Memorisation

Quran Memorisation

Quran memorisation takes a lot of work. The Quran is Islam’s holy book and contains Allah’s words, revealed to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Memorising its verses brings immense rewards both in this world and hereafter. For those seeking to embark on the journey of memorisation, here are some tips to help you get started. The beauty … Read more

Learning To Read Quran For Kids

Quran Kids

The Quran is a sacred text that Muslims have revered since it was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad 1400 years ago. Its teachings are timeless and have been passed down through generations, offering guidance on living a good life according to Islamic principles. But what about children? How can they learn this important book of … Read more

4 Kelebihan Membaca Al Quran

Kelebihan Membaca Al Quran

Membaca Al-Quran merupakan satu amalan yang amat dituntut dalam Islam. Ia bukan sahaja mendatangkan pahala yang besar, malah turut memberi impak positif terhadap pelbagai aspek kehidupan seorang Muslim. Mengaji Al-Quran memberi pelbagai manfaat dari segi spiritual, emosi, intelektual dan fizikal. Antara kelebihan membaca Al-Quran ialah meningkatkan keimanan dan ketakwaan, memupuk akhlak mulia, dan merangsang aktiviti … Read more